Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Sempervivums

Welcome to the Root Record! I decided to start this blog to help me keep track of my gardening activities and plant additions.Hopefully this information can be helpful to other too! Since its the dead of winter here in Colorado I though I would make my first blog about my most recent plant addiction - Sempervivums. My wife was kind enough to  purchase me some as a Christmas gift this year. They were shipped bare root, so I did spend a good amount of time on Christmas Day, getting them all potted. Some people may think of this task as a pain, but I rather enjoyed it! I currently have these plants growing under a 4ft x 6ft T-5 florescent light with 30,000 lumens, so it's quite bright. These plants are arrived in their winter dormancy, and have only been potted a few days, so they don't' look their best and aren't showing their best colors, but I still think they look great! Now that they are indoors under the bright light I feel they may start to think it is spring soon. Most if not all of these plants will be put in the yard this summer. I'm planning on building a rock garden in our back yard. I'll post more photos of these plants within the coming months to show how the have progressed. 

Sempervivum ‘Zepherin’

Sempervivum ‘Lilac Time’

Sempervivum ‘Green Gables’
Sempervivum ‘Lavender and Old Lace
Sempervivum ‘Jungle Fire’

Sempervivum ‘Maigret’

Sempervivum ‘Cresta’

Sempervivum ‘Tederheid’

Sempervivum ‘Temby’

Sempervivum ‘Corni de Canzo’

Sempervivum ‘Black Prince’

Sempervivum ‘Dynamo’

Sempervivum ‘Zarubianum’

Sempervivum ‘Happy’

Sempervivum 'Larissa'

Sempervivum erythraeum

Sempervivum ‘Westerlin’

Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Mona Lisa’